
Article: "Bangkok brothel raid sparks bribery, trafficking probe"

"Five Thai policemen and a human trafficking official are under investigation for allegedly receiving free services from a Bangkok massage parlour accused of coercing underage girls into the sex trade, authorities said Monday""Acting on a tip-off, police raided the 'Victoria Secret' parlour last week in a Bangkok neighbourhood notorious for its gaudy and cavernous brothels where sex is illegal - but openly sold."Over 100 women and girls were rescued in this raid and authorities are still trying to determine their ages to see how many of the survivors are underage.This article is extremely alarming for Free To Shine as Thailand is the most common destination country where many Cambodians decide to go for work (many times trafficking victims are deceived by recruiters as to what type of work they will be doing)."In 2017 Thailand, which draws millions of migrant workers from poorer surrounding nations, remained on Tier 2 of a US watch-list for failing to meet "the minimum standards" to combat human trafficking."Free To Shine continues to deliver our community class about safe migration and the dangers of traveling to Thailand without proper documents. The class teaches community members about the many unforeseen risks about traveling to a different country for work, especially without permits or passports.To fund a safe migration community class and to help prevent more victims like the ones above, follow the link below.

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Date: Jan 15, 2018

Source: The Straits Times